26 Sept 2013


How to validate CSS3 - After struggling for some time with HTML5 Validation , now I try to share Validation CSS3. Too late I think I share this tutorial, but an old saying better late than never , better late than never. Among the causes of the delays I share this validation, I never post something that I had never tried. Ironic is not it? a blog discussing validation but the blog itself is not yet valid.

It should be noted, that the validation of both HTML5 and CSS3 is not something perfect. That is, when a valid HTML5 or CSS3 blog does not mean perfect in CSS and HTML. Validation is only a guide in preparing a good HTML and CSS.

Turn off CSS Reset Stylesheet Blogger

CSS Reset disable this, I found in the Blog Damar Zaky and applications facilitated by Magic Company.Prior to disable CSS Reset Stylesheet Blogger, please see below code, template arrangement usually goes like this:

< b: skin > <! [CDATA [*
]]> </ b: skin >

replace <b:skin> <! [CDATA [* with

<style type="text/css"> <! - / * < b: skin > <! [CDATA [* /]]> </ b: skin > 
< style  type = 'text / css' >

replace the code ]]> </ b: skin> with the code:

</ style >

After disabling the CSS Reset, usually there will be little change display, either on the dashboard or on the blog. My advice do not panic, just edit one by one.

Delete Multiple Code

Many tutorials that provide CSS code for diterpakan on various browsers. With the presence of this CSS3, these codes are not needed anymore. Like the example code rounded corner (rounded tip) is usually the code would be like this:

- moz - border - radius : 5px ;
- KHTML - border - radius : 5px ;
- o - border - radius : 5px ;
- webkit - border - radius : 5px ;
 border - radius : 5px ;

with the presence of CSS3, the browser is only required for some code border-radius: 5px , therefore, clear all codes beginning with:


Delete the code with prefix


Note Some commands Validator

There are still many orders of CSS Validator repair stage by stage. For example, a command like this: Family names containing whitespace should be quoted. If quoting is omitted, any whitespace characters before and after the name are ignored and any sequence of whitespace characters inside the name is converted to a single space. That means, if there is a script which has spaces, add quotation marks ("). Suppose pal using Open Sans font, Segoe UI, Arial (as a backup if the first letter could not be loaded) then writing 

font-family : 'Open Sans', 'Segoe UI', Arial, sans-serif

 Actually there are many other orders, please do it leisurely. Buddy can also discuss in the comments if there are problems in this validation.

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